In Czech Republic for now we cooperate with in Prague. is located in Nový Smíchov Shopping Centre, Plzeňská 8, 150 00 Prague 5-Smíchov, Czech Republic.
Deliveries are available on application from Monday to Sunday, usually from 8:00 am to 20:00 pm. schedules their packages to the time slots: 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, 18-20, 20-22*
*time slot unavailable on weekends
We offer pick up deliveries - you go to the start location (shopping center) , pick up delivery from the store and deliver to the customer's address.
Summary of your deliveries is available in the app - with information about earnings.
What if the client isn’t home?
1. call him
2. text him
3. make sure you spend 10 minutes at the delivery address and cancel the delivery* - drop it off at the store with your next pick up. *Then you will get money for delivery